Mobile Giving

Text donations allows your charitable organization raise money through text message donations. Your supporters can send a text message to your keyword and donate $5 or $10 from their mobile phone bill. 100% of the funds raised are delivered to you.

A mobile phone user sends a text message to make the $5 donation to your charity using your KEYWORD. The donation is added to the user’s mobile phone bill and when the funds are collected by the carrier they are forwarded to the Mobile Giving Foundation which then sends it to the charity. It takes approximately 90 days to receive.

Step 1 – Text Donation

Enter the unique Keyword and Number.
Donors can take our their mobile phone and send your custom KEYWORD to the short code number to begin the donation process.

Step 2 – Confirm Donation

Donors confirm that they Want to Donate.
Donors Reply YES to confirm that they want to donate $5 or $10 from their mobile phone bill.

Step 3 – Subscribe to Alerts

Click Reply and enter YES to subscribe to the the mobile donor list.
Send messages about volunteering, initiatives and programs.

Step 4 – Confirm Donation

Receive 100% of the donations from the Mobile Giving Foundation
Donors can download a donation receipt for tax purposes. They enter their phone number and are shown all their text donations.

Step 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 – Donate up to 6X

Receive Multiple Donations from one Donor.
Donors can donate up to 6 times a month. Promote often and build campaigns for recurring fundraising.

  • Immediate Fund Raising
  • 23 Million Mobile Phones
  • Always On and Connected
  • Build a New Donor Base